Application for Feminist Lab on Women and Ecology in the Northeast
For the year 2021, Zubaan’s Cultures of Peace programme hopes to facilitate the ongoing dialogue on ecology in the Northeast through a gendered lens by focusing on the stories, journeys and achievements of feminist thinkers/collectives including conservationists, filmmakers, performance-based artists, women’s rights activists, journalists, etc. from the region.
The Feminist Lab comprises of eight structured interlinked workshop sessions on indigenous women’s rights and ecology, recent reforms in environmental law and their future impact, outstanding conservation efforts and varied creative documentation processes to rediscover and recover our relationship with the ecology around us. Find full details of the workshop here.
We invite college and university students as participants for a sustained two-month long engagement with the series. The workshops will be offered with no fee and sessions will be held once a week, every Friday evening. In the near future, Zubaan will be adding these recorded sessions to its Media Archive as well. We hope to make these resources available for university students who are looking to be informed around these comprehensive topics/subjects, as well as general audiences interested in these themes. Find the link to the application form here.
Submission deadline: Tuesday, 16 September, 2021
Cultures of Peace: Festival of the Northeast (CoP) is a collaborative project run by Zubaan and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Regional Office, New Delhi aimed at creating spaces for dialogue within civil societies in the eight Northeastern states (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura & Sikkim) and contiguous regions.